I'm Katherine Fabrizio and I help daughters of Narcissistic, Borderline or Difficult Mothers escape The Good Daughter Syndrome.

Work with Me

If you are the daughter of a difficult Mother, I would love to help you.
Here are some ways we can work together.


Sometimes, you just need to talk one-to-one with an expert. You need to tell your story about your mother and get specific advice.

Whether or not you’ve been in therapy for your mother issues for years or are just realizing there’s a problem, I’ve seen it all and can help you make sense of it, get unstuck, and get back in the driver’s seat of your life.

Online Course

The next time your mother crosses your boundaries, guilt trips you, gaslights you, or makes you wonder if it’s your fault… you will know what to do and how to do it.

Gleaned from 30 years of in-person psychotherapy and online help, I’ve taken the most common struggles daughters face and put together a step-by-step plan for actionable, effective strategies you can put into practice right away.

Get the complete Practical Strategies course in its entirety, or choose which mini-courses call out to you!

Get my Book


The Good Daughter Syndrome:

Help For Empathic Daughters of Narcissistic, Borderline, or Difficult Mothers Trapped in the Role of the Good Daughter

Why you Never Feel Good Enough, Can’t Set Healthy Boundaries or Say “No” To Your Difficult Mother Without Feeling Guilty, and What To Do About It!

Katherine Fabrizio’s Amazon best-seller is the answer to an age-old problem. You aren’t wimpy or weak when you struggle to stand up to your mother.

Instead, Katherine shows you the hidden traps you fall into that keep you complicit in the very dynamic you hate-traps that have been invisible to you until now.

Now available here.

“If you are struggling with ‘mother issues’ or any other issues, I cannot recommend Katherine highly enough. She helped me figure out things about myself that have bothered me for years, that I never understood, that I thought were just part of being ‘screwed up. I wish I’d found her 10 years sooner.”
Lisa Canfield – Hollywood screenwriter

“Your work is so important to ladies like us that have dealt with our soul-sucking (let’s Just call it what it is, right? (lol) mothers since birth. Your research and care has given hope to many of us where there was never any at all. To restore hope in the life and mind of another human being is without a doubt the greatest gift one could give another. Just……thank you.” – Joy Campagne

“Now I feel more deserving of good things, so I make them happen. And it feels really good to be the kind of person and the kind of daughter I’ve always wanted to be. It was always there, just buried underneath a lot of stuff. It’s like a blanket of shit has been lifted off my life that has allowed me to move forward.” – Sarah M.